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Shipping Policies

Your purchase confirms you have read this page in its entirety. 

Shipping Time - How long it takes to ship

Once your order has been purchased it is typically shipped within 5 days, however due the variant nature of life, it may take me up to 1-1.5 weeks to ship your order. Please be patient as I am trying to reduce my shipping turnaround times. I am just one person juggling every aspect of running this small business! All items will be shipped, just please be patient! If you need your item for a specific event, please see the section below to have your item rushed. 

Holiday shipping - As the holidays are near, my shipping will occur more frequently and in a timely manner to ensure your gift is there by the holidays! 


If you need your item for a certain event, please reach out to me prior to purchase, using the contact tab above. Returns will not be provided if proper steps aren't taken to discuss your item being there "on time" Once the item leave my hands and a tracking code is provided it typically takes 3-5 days to arrive (USA). If you need overnight shipping, this must be discussed prior and shipping price will be adjusted. 

Packaging materials

I try to lead an environmentally friendly lifestyle, reducing and reusing as much as possible. So, I incorporate my practices in my business especially when it comes to shipping materials. Your item will arrive in a reused envelope. Note: all items will be packaged safely in a bubble lined envelope. I also use as little packaging material as possible to ship your item. Most items will arrive wrapped in tissue paper and the crystal will be wrapped in reused bubble wrap to ensure safe arrival. Items that are higher in price will usually be placed in a jewelry box. If you are purchasing an item as a gift and would like  gift packaging, please reach out to me prior to shipping so I can accommodate. 

Tracking my order

I ship all my items through the post office and a tracking order is provided to me. I store all tracking numbers. If you would like me to provide your tracking number, please reach out to me via the contact tab above.

Lost items

Once the item leaves my hand, it is no longer my responsibility to ensure it arrives safely. I have not have any issues in the past using the post office. If your item has not arrived in 2*3 weeks please reach out to me so we can take the proper steps to locating your item. There is an option to get insured shipping and I highly suggest this on orders over $60-$80. I do not offer refunds for lost items, however if you did purchase insurance on your package we can dispute with the post office to potentially have your money returned.

** If you have any more questions on shipping and tracking, please reach out to me prior to purchase. Please note your purchase means you have read this in full. I am not responsible for lost items.

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thanks for stopping in! much love,


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